Information for Poster Presenters
Poster headings must include the title of the presentation, the names of authors and their affiliation.
The poster should be a text size that will be easily legible from a short distance.
Graphs, pictures, etc. are an interesting addition.
The content of the presentation must reflect the summary of information given in the abstract.
Poster board dimensions will be 100 cm in width and 200 cm in length. We recommend a maximum poster size of 85 cm in width and 120 cm in length (A0 paper size). Please present your poster in portrait orientation.
Before the conference
Please note that you are solely responsible for looking after your poster prior to, during and after the conference. We ask that, where possible, you do not send the poster to the organisers in advance but, rather, bring it with you when you travel to Bucharest. If this is not possible then you can mail your poster to the conference organiser but you must allow sufficient time to avoid any delay in your poster arriving. Remember that the conference organiser does not accept responsibility for the timely arrival, security or storage of your poster. We do not accept posters that have been emailed to the conference organiser. They must arrive in a printed format.
During the conference
Please ensure you adhere to the time slots below:
Poster set-up: Thursday, 09 September 2021 - 13:00 – 18:00
Poster session: Thursday, 09 September 2021 - 19:00 – 20:00
Poster removal: Thursday, 09 September 2021 - 20:00 – 21:00
Material for fastening the posters to the boards will be available.
Presenting authors are requested to be available at their posters during the Poster Session.
After the conference
Presenters are responsible for removing their posters after the session on Thursday evening. If you wish to take your poster home then you are responsible for storing it in a safe location. If you are not planning to take your poster home, we kindly request that you still remove it after the session ends.